Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Inklings [part 1]

(One of the) first thing I’ve done in 2007 was opening my Inkling parcels which were watching me from the mid of December tempting me so badly (truth mid of Dec is OK, I’m usually much bigger tormentor for other Inkling members).

For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about here is short explanation:
Inklings are group of 12 book addicts and each of us have his/her own month (mine is January) when the rest 11 Inklings are sending one (or more) book(s) from wish list or not but something which fits in our literary preferences. It’s great but also very tempting when you have to look all those unopened parcels waiting first day of your month.
So far I have three parcels and here they are:

Parcel #1
Is from Pyan and it’s absolutely great pick.I’ve never heard about this book but I’m so glad that she picked this for me!

Parcel #2
Is from krin. This book is on my wish list for so long! Great pick!

Parcel #3
Is from MissBP and it contains two books:
This book is great! I’ve read it few years ago and I remember it as very good. This is great opportunity to read it again.

Historian is one of my favourite reads in last 2006. I enjoyed enormously and was reading it ONLY during the night – the effect was astonishing! Actually something I’ll never forget. Namely I live alone and once around 3.00-4.00 am I started slowly to move my head to see who is standing behind me. Somewhere on the half way I realized what I’m doing and couldn’t believe it. It was quite scary (and I’m not person who is easy to be scared). Great book indeed!


Angela/SciFiChick said...

The Historian was great.. one of my favorite reads of 2005.

Lotus Reads said...

I have "The Historian" sitting here on my shelf and it has been for ages, it's just that I haven't been able to motivate myself to read it, but I think you have the perfect solution....to read it at night!!!

I just might give that a try! :))

btw, The Inklings sound like a grrrreat group!

Milan-zzz said...

Reading during the night will give you unique experience for sure ... great book indeed.

Oh and yes, Inklings are fabulous!

Anonymous said...


I really enjoyed the Historian too, but I hated the ending. I guess after ten years of writing the book she was ready to be done with both the writing and the myth.


karen! said...

I loved seeing all the books you've been getting for your Inklings month

Milan-zzz said...

Oh there's more fabulous titles ... I'll post soon (I'm little lazy right now)