Thursday, December 14, 2006

Here we go …

Dear everyone,
I guess I finally forced myself to create my own blog and (ok this will sound stupid) this is quite revolution for me. Namely I don’t have custom to write a diary (I never had) and especially to share it with the unknown world (I’m not shy, I’m more verbal person) so this IS very new.
But most of all I decided to start this in order to preserve some nice memories and emotions. Of course recently I started to read blogs of some of my friends and thought “I could do that too!” This will mainly be bookish blog but knowing me probably there’ll be lots of other stuff (I do have messy mind) …
Anyway, since I’m just starting any suggestion or advice is more than welcome :-)



Susan Helene Gottfried said...

I hated keeping a diary, but I love blogging. Go figure, huh?

Welcome to the blog-o-sphere, my friend! I hope it treats you well!

Sheila said...

Welcome zzz Glad to see you come aboard. Hopefully I'll see you around :)

Milan-zzz said...

Thank you so much for such a lovely welcome!
I hope this will work ...

karen! said...

Great to see you blogging

Marlene said...

hey zzz. I must admit I am laughing a bit. zzz writing a blog. :)

Milan-zzz said...

What so funny about that?
And why your blog is not elected to publicly share?

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful that you decided to keep this blog in English. I'm sure sometimes you feel you could express something better in your natural language, but I'm glad to be your friend, and that we can keep in touch this way.

Milan-zzz said...

Hey Shanna,
Thanks for dropping by :-)
Indeed writing in Serbian would be much easier but that would be the same as if I turned off "share publicly" option LOL

Lotus Reads said...


Followed you here from Karen's blog and I'm glad I did, this looks like it's a fun place! Will visit again! :)

Milan-zzz said...

hey Lotus thanks for dropping by.
I´m looking forward to your next visit :-)

notfearingchange said...

Loving your blog keep up the good work!

Milan-zzz said...

Thanks NFC,
this support means so much to me :-)